21 JUNE 1834, page 8


The Marquis of Conyngham, brother-in-law of the Duke of Rich- mond, and a very Moderate Whig, is appointed to the ofliev of Post- master-General. Colonel Leith Ilay, succeeds......

We Had Prepared An Account Or The Curious Trial Which

took illae • a few itays ago in the Court of King's Bench, relative to the Copyright or the S ,n g entitled The Old English tientletuan but are &diva by press of :natter to e:......


The Earl of Roden, in imitation of Lord ‘Vinchilsea, has addressed to his Protestant brethren of Ireland a letter on the present dangerous crisis of the Church. He is quite as......

Mr. Wallace's Motion For A Commission To Inquire Into The

state of the Post-office will come on next Thursday. It' the House of Commons were not an unwieldy body, the majority of whose Members are quite incompetent to discharge their......

Money Market.

STICK EXCHANGE, FRIDAT AFTERNOON. The Eaglish Market has been heavy, and shown a disposition to decline. Consols for Account have been as low as 9:21 ; but close this afternoon......

The Prosecution Of The 7'rue San Is One Of The

most disgraceful measures of the Whig Administration. Year after year, the leading member,: of the Whig party, when in Opposition, denounced the gross iniquity of the Law of......

We Are Glad To Be Able To Inform Our Readers,

that an opportunity will ovens in a few days for obtaioieg full and accurate information concern- ing the New Colony of South Australia. A bill fur erecting the new IImitish......


SATURDAY N (1}11. The Vienna Congress have transmitted instructions to the German Diet at Frankfort, to inform the British and French Ministers, that the military occupation of......


Mr. Abereromby met a large body of the Edinburgh t lectors on Monday, at the Waterloo Rooms. After some preliminary remarks, lac proceeded to give an aCCOUIR of the reasons......

Ely Countre.

The candidates for Chatham are Captain Byng, the new Clerk of the Ordnance, and Mr. Ching, a Tory barrister. Mr. Erskine Perry► was requested to stand ; but not having the least......

A " House Dinner" Took Place On Wednesday Last At

the Carlton Club, in which about fatty members of that exclusive body of indi- vidual,: dined together ; Sir Robert Peel in the Chair. The Ho- nourable Baronet, till lately a......

There Has Been ;mother F'r'acas In The Cabinet. The Cause

of this new dissension was the appointment of the Marquis Conyngham to the l'o-t office. We understand that, in order to keep the Administration a little longer together, it has......