23 JANUARY 1926, page 30

Financial Notes

- . _ FaIPIRD DEVELOPMENT. . . AT a moment when there is a good deal of vague talk as to the development of our Dominions and the affording of 'simultaneous relief to......

„ Canadian, Immigration Scheme.

Quite the most interesting feature of -Mr. Sale's address to the Hndson Bay shareholders, however, wni Iihs nrilininice- inent of the steps which -had. been taken, cligeetion of......

Fresh Loan Flota.tions. - - The Vagaries Of The...

are very well exempli- fied just now by the varying Success attending fresh capital issues. Foreign loans giying Yields, say, from over 6 up to 8 per cent. seem to be eagerly......

Finance-public And Private

THE INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY. TILE period of the annual bank meetings is at hand, and before this issue appears in print the chairman of Barclays Bank will have......