23 MARCH 1962, page 15

Sia,—since It Appears That There Are Some Admirers Of C.

P. Snow among your readers, might I slip in a small discordant tinkle amid the clashing of the bells and say how grateful some of my colleagues in adult education and I feel......

Father Amaro

SIR,—In your issue of March 2, Olivia Manning rightly contrasts the 'choice of hors-d'oeuvre or bread- and-marg' diet provided by modern writers with the nineteenth-century......

Sir,—thank You For Printing Leavis's Lecture, But Hardly...

fatuous correspondence of the follow- ng week. When there is such an outpouring of niminy- Piminy mealy-mouthed stuff and nonsense from the literary establishment (which is......

Draught Beer Was Sorry No One Took Up The Letter

you published about the appalling quality of so much draught beer. It would have been interesting to sec what sort of defence could be put forward for the gassed-up pasteurised......

Sir.--while One May Have Many Reservations About The...

the attack, it is surely only just to admit the basic truth of Leavis's criticism of Snow's work as a novelist and populariser of ideas. The cries of indignation with which you......

All Round The Clock

SIR, —The mention by Leslie Adrian in 'Consuming Interest' of the twenty-four-hours-a-day travel ser- vice given by Mr. Cavendish of L. W. Morland might give some readers the......

Sir,--according To Dr. Leavis, Snow 'isn't A Novelist At...

This involves the redefinition of a novel as 'a novel approved by Dr. Leavis'—and that makes a pretty restricted class. But novelist or not, Snow has written a number of prose......

Sir, —the Significance Of Snow Is Simple—it Is That His...

with all their faults, tell us something of the world we live in. He is a scientist and has known from inside 'the Corridors of Power.* Leavis isn't and hasn't. Perhaps it is......

Honours And Party Politics

Sat,-1 have been commissioned by Messrs. Heine- mann's to write a book on The Honours Machine, a study of the role of Honours in Party Politics. Since much of this goes......

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Sus,—Much of the argument io your columns might have been obviated by a cursory inspection of my article 'Lawrence, Joyce and Powys' in Essays in Criticism (Oxford). October.......

Sir,- --many Of Your Readers Must Have Deplored Dr....

and unsolicited attack on Sir Charles Snow, and your own lack of good taste in Publishing it. In order that such a vicious attack upon a sub- itantial public figure may receive......

The Wen

SIR,—Colin H. MacKay is, of course, joking. His barbed cabers of criticism tossed at London and Londoners in your columns (March 16) are, I am sure, gems of Gaelic humour, Well,......

The Hall Of Fame

SIR. —By J. I-1. Plumb's definition I write as a mem- ber of the bulk of the nation—'the anonymous.' I never had a nannie, I didn't go to a prep-school, among my relations are......