24 JULY 1915, page 1

A Reuter Telegram In Thursday's Papers, No Doubt...

that the American Note in answer to the German will be despatched on Friday. It will "inform Germany that any further loss of American lives through German submarines, in......

The Reuter Telegram Adds That It Is Understood That The

phrase "unfriendly act" is used by the United States " with full realization of its meaning " in diplomatic inter- course. The Note insists upon reparation for the loss of......

*** To Our Readers.—the " Spectator " Is Now Published

on Friday afternoon, and is on sale at all Messrs. Smith and Son's London Bookstalls and all London Newsagents. AU country readers can now obtain the paper on Saturday morning,......

A Good Many People Here And In America Are Asking

how will President Wilson meet the "unfriendly act" from Germany if it takes place, in view of the want of military power of the United States. Those who talk thus forget what a......

The United States Government Have Received From Germany...

that the American vessel 'Nebraskan' was sunk by a German submarine. The German Government, in apologizing and promising reparation, explain that no attack on the American flag......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


On The Isonzo The Italians Are Engaged In Their First

great battle, a battle which has already lasted some four days, and which may very well lust another four, since four hundred thousand men are said to be engaged on each side.......

From Flanders There Is Not Much News, But Such As

there is is good. Neither in the case of the Belgian, British, nor the French is there any indication of German mastery, but rather the reverse. The most that the Germans can......

News Of The Week.

W HAT will in all probability prove the greatest, though not necessarily the most decisive, battle of the greatest war the world has seen is proceeding in Poland. Speaking......