24 JULY 1915, page 15

The Possibilities Of Taxation.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Referring to your article "Possibilities of Taxation" (Spectator, July 17th), it is clear that such detailed measures as you mention......

More Aircraft.

[To THE EDITOR or TEl " SPECTATOR.'] Sre,—We have much pleasure in enclosing a note dealing with a suggestion for increasing the country's output of air- craft. The note......

[to Tim Editor Or Th1 " Spzotator."] Sir, — Your...

the War Loan and your remarks as to the faoility of borrowing and the difficulty of paying interest are good and to the point. It has struck me that the taxing of amusements......

[to Ter Editor Or The "spectator. ") Sin, — In Your Issue Of

the 17th inst. you make some valuable suggestions for new taxes, and I therefore venture to submit the following, which, if you think it impracticable, you will throw into the......

Taxing Wages And War Profits.

[To TH1 EDITOR or Tull "nritoraroa.1 SIR, — With reference to the letter signed "D." in your issue of the 10th inst., it would, I think, be interesting if your correspondent......

Voluntary Workers In Hospitals.

[To TH1 EDITOR or 131 "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I have read with interest in your issues of July 3rd and 10th letters relating to the V.A.D. workers and their treatment by the trained......