24 JULY 1915, page 22

The Literature Of Flies In Rapidly Increasing, And We Have

before us two more books on the subject. Typical Flies, by Mr. E. K. Pearce (Cambridge University Press, 5s. net), is described as "a photographic atlas of diptera, including......

Mr. C. R. L. Fletcher Has Published An Admirable Handy

Guide to Oxford (Oxford University Press, ls. net), intended for the use of wounded soldiers from the hospital there. It is written in a delightfully unofficial manner, and......

The Proper Treatment Of Youthful Offenders Is Now...

perhaps the fundamental problem of penology. Mr. Douglas Pepler's small volume upon .Tustice and the Child (Constable and Co., Ss. 6d. net) is a useful study on the subject by......

Professor H. A. Giles In His Confucianism And Its Myatt

(Williams and Norgate, 6s. net) publishes the "Hibbert Lectures" delivered by him in London last autumn. The lectures give an outline of the religious views of the Chinese......


SOME ELDERLY PEOPLE AND THEIR YOUNG FRIENDS.* THERE is no plot and very little incident in Miss Macnaughtan's book ; but the absence of these usual ingredients of a novel does......

Some Books Of The Week.

Maio. in this column doss not necessarily product. suboequsni review.] So many sensational books upon spies have been published lately that our interest is not so likely to be......

The Harbor. By Ernest Poole. (macmillan And Co. 6s.) —it

is curious how seldom the writer of an autobiographical novel seems to know what he is talking about ; and this cus- tomary artificiality makes the sincerity of Mr. Poole's work......

Rbadablii Novels.—oliver. By B. Paul Neuman. (smith,...

6s.)—Mr. Neuman's story of a man who raised himself from his environment, and of his influence on his son, is well written, although with no especial perception.—The Stanhope......