25 NOVEMBER 2000, page 36

Poll Tax Blunder

From Mr Jonathan Oates Sir: Edward Pearce (Letters, 18 November) is wrong about the poll tax when he writes of the 1990 community charge that it was a tax 'not seen since 1381'.......

Not My Grandpa

From Mr David Gilmour Sir: By transforming a 'his' into a 'my' (Let- ters, 18 November), The Spectator suggests that Lord Curzon was my grandfather rather than Nicholas......

Letters Relative Dates

From Mr Charles Patak Sir: Contrary to Steve King (Books, 4 November), Henri Poincare did not 'antici- pate' Einstein's special theory of relativity; he invented it. Neither did......

Grecians 2000

From Mr Antony Sharpies Sir: I greatly enjoyed Taki's column (High life, 18 November) on the cultural achieve- ments of modern Greece, reminiscent as it was, in both scope and......

Alarm Over Excursions

From Mr Max Hastings Sir: In The Spectator Diary (28 October), I referred to a threat by the MoD to exile all army regimental museums from MoD property by 2003. My informants,......

Ober The Top

From Mr Patrick Skene Catling Sir: The Europeanisation of these north- westerly offshore island proceeds apace. A symptom now endemic is the German pre- fix fiber-, as . in that......

A Husband Writes.. .

From Mr Tony Wilkinson Sir: I am appalled that an article Mid some- one say bitch?', 18 November) which pur- ports to do a hatchet job on my talented and charming wife, Lindsay......

Charitable Website

From Mr John Stoker Sir: James King (Watch out, there's a char- ity about', 28 October) queries the grounds for the decision of the Charity Commission that the Church of......