26 OCTOBER 1918, page 10

The Woman's Senior War Service. [to The Editor Of The

" SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I feel sure it will be of interest to all who have followed the letters in the Spectator dealing with the subject of "The Woman's Senior War Service" to......

" Tommy's " Mother.

The object of this interesting experiment in Separation Allowances is to keep the home going as it was before the soldier's enlistment, and at the same standard, neither better......

. Correspondence.

"ACCOUNT RENDERED." [To THE EDITOR or THE " SPEC/11'0821 SIB, — It is to be doubted whether the full meaning of the words " Reparation and Restitution " is at all adequately......

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE eECHS IN ENGLAND. [To THE......