26 OCTOBER 1918, page 2

Douai, Like Lille, Had Been Almost Surrounded By Our Troops,

and was abandoned by the Germans on the same day. Our Second, Fifth, and First Armies now began kgerteral advance eastward on the fifty-mile-front between the Cambrai region and......

It Is Not To Be Wondered At That Muoh Misgiving

has been caused by- a statement which Lord Milner gave for publication in the Evening Standard last week. The general impression produced by the statement was that Lord Milner......

The . British People Agree With The Most Positive And...

statement made by M. Painleve in answer to Lord Milner which the Evening Standard published on Wednesday. M. Painleve pointed out that the sincerity of the German people may be......

The Recovery Of Lille And Ostend On Thursday Week, As

a conse- quence of the Allied victories in Flanders, was swiftly followed last Saturday by the entry of the Belgian troops into Bruges and Zeebrugge, while the French captured......

The Czecho-slovak National Council In Paris, Which Has...

by the Allies and America as the Provisional Govern- ment of its people in Bohemia and Moravia and the Slovak districts of Hungary, published on Monday its reply to the Emperor......

The Hardest Fighting Has Taken Place In The Sella Valley,

north and south of Le Coteau, where ow Third and . Fourth Armies, with some American divisions, have continued the offensive in co - oper- ation with the French First Army on......

The French Armies South Of The Oise Have By . Steady

pressure compelled the enemy to fall back from the neighbourhood of La Fare ripen the so-called " Minding " line between the Serre and the Aisne, north and north-east of Laon.......

If The Austrian Emperor Thought That This Proposed...

" self-determination " would placate the Allies, he must have been rudely undeceived by President Wilson's reply—published on Saturday last--to the Austrian Peace Note. The......

Mr. Balfour Made An Excellent And Manly Speech On Wednesday

to the Australian and New Zealand Luncheon Club. The British Empire, he said, was Imperial but not Imperialistica useful and vital distinction which is too often obscured. To......

The Emperor Charles, In A Last Despairing Effort To Save

his dynasty, issued on Thursday week a manifesto to his ." loyal Austrian peoples, " announcing that " without delay we must now begin the reconstruction of the Fatherland on......