26 OCTOBER 1918, page 16

" Ossian " In Italy.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—At a mess-table here there were forgathered one evening four Englishmen, the inevitable Scot, and an officer, Italian by birth, of high......

(to The Editor Op The " Spectator.") Sir,—sir Walter Scott

treated with marked indifference dis- tinctions between singular and plural pronouns when one of his characters addressed another whether in prose or verse. Examples could be......

St. John Viii. 44.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Snt„—In discussing the above passage your correspondents have now traced the father of the Devil as far back as 1876. I have been able to......

The Most Eloquent Voice Of The Nineteenth Century.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Matthew Arnold began his addresfl on Milton—delivered in lit, Margaret's Church, Westminster, February lath, 1888, and subsequently......

Thanks For The " Spectator."

(To THE Berme Cr THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—For years not a few some unknown good friend has been sending me the Spectator, and I have no means of thanking him or her for so great......

An Old Engraved Cup.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I have an old wooden cup, date of James I. or so, with inscriptions, very much defaced, on it. Probably it was used in connexion with......

Children's Prayers.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") have • been disappointed by not seeing mentioned in the recent letters in the Spectator on the subject of " Children's Prayers " the......

Bad Language....

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—There has-never been a time, I suppose, when the entrance of new words into our language has not been vehemently opposed. Addison......

[to The Editor Or The " Spect‘tor."]

Sza,—May I reply to some of the letters that have appeared in the Spectator criticizing or approving of my original letter signed "Satisfied Mistress" P In that letter I......

Erratum.—in Our Last Issue The Signature To The Letter...

" The Spectator and the Prussian Royal Marriage of 1858" was wrongly given. It should hare been "Robert Bowes," not " Jones.")......