27 DECEMBER 2003, page 27

Incredible Statistics

From Toby Gettins Sir: I congratulate The Spectator on breaking the story on the literally incredible Aids statistics in sub-Saharan Africa ('Africa isn't dying of Aids', 13/20......

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

From Christopher Booker Sir: No critic likes to be caught not having read a book he has reviewed, but John Laughland (Letters, 13/20 December) only confirms my point. In......

Comic Grief

From Colin Bostock-Smith Sir: One of the side effects of taking the antimalarial mefloquine, as referred to in these pages recently Mow to scare a US marine', 29 November), is......

The Merry Pedant

From Francis Bennion Sir: If I may correct Mr Craig Brown in a somewhat pedantic way, I would point out that it is not necessary, in order to avoid the clumsy construction 'The......

A Move To The Orthodox?

From Dr Tim Hudson Sir: I think Digby Anderson may be in the wrong Church (`Go to work on Christmas Day... ', 13/20 December). For the Orthodox, 6 January has much more......