27 DECEMBER 2003, page 55

A Terrible Chucker

MICHAEL HENDERSON Iv hen should a sportsman reveal what is said in the heat of the contest? Some performers would say 'never': what happens on the field, on court or on the......

Q. My Wife And I Have Been Blessed With The

arrival of a delightful baby boy. We have been inundated with soft toys from doting family and friends. We would like to do a cull and send many off to charities but don't wish......

Q. I Am The Male Partner In What Is Now

known as a reconstructed family. There are two children with an absent father who comes from a family where table manners are not deemed to be important. The children are......

Q. Is It Now Considered Wrong, In These Less Sexist

times, to address Christmas cards to the woman of the household? Should the envelope now bear the names of all those to whom good wishes are being sent? W.T., Devizes, Wiltshire......