27 JULY 1918, page 15


OLD AND PLAIN. "0, FEILOW, come, the song we had last night. Mark it, Cesario, it is old and plain; • The spinsters and the knitters in the sun And the free maids that weave......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]

SID., — May I recommend to your correspondent a little book entitled Prayers for Little Men and Women, by John Martin, published by Messrs. Bell? It consists of prayers in the......

Amelia Mouser.

[TO 7'HE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — This is an appeal to your elderly readers. Can they help me to trace "Mrs. Mouser "? In the "fifties " of last century, or......

[to The Editor Of The " Speceator."]

SIR,—I have read with interest the letters in your columns, but I fear until registries as at present conducted are abolished the status quo will not improve during the war. Two......

[to Tee-editor-of The" Spectator."]

Sta,—Over the chimneypiece in the great hall of Farnham Castle is the following inscription : A Dieu Foy acts amis Foyer, which was rendered by a wag : "Good-bye Faith and burn......

[to The Editor Of The" Spectator."]

SIR, — One of the best " howlers " has not, I think, appeared in your columns so . far. In an examination at my own school on Scripture the following question was set: "Give the......

[to The Editor Of The Spixtator."]

SIE,—I do not know if the following would be of any use to your correspondent, but I have never found it fail to interest little children in their first prayers :— " Two little......

[to 1he Editor Or The " Spectator."3

SIR, — Would not Herrick's Two Graces for Children partly meet the above want? "What God gives," &c., and the following one :— "Here a little child I stand, Heaving up my either......

Children's Prayers.

[TO THE EDETOR OF THE " SPECrATOR."] Sia,—A good many years ago I also searched in yain for a very simple first prayer, in verse, for children. Having had some experience in......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SIR,—I hope I am not too late with my contribution towards the interesting discussion going on just now in your paper. I refer to the letters on domestic servants. May I, as one......


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECEATOR."3 Sie,—The enclosed may fit into your collection:— Hors d'ccuvre.—" Draught-horse." De gustibus non est disputanduni—" We should not discuss......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to b in agree- ment with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......