27 MAY 1837, page 16

Earl's Indian Archipelago

Is a book of twofold nature ; the first division containing a narra- tive of the author's voyages in the Eastern Seas ; the second, some speculations on the capabilities which......

Lockhart's Life Of Scott.

THE third volume, so far as we have gone, more than sustains the promise of the second. It commences with the removal to Ab- botsford (in 1812); and next enters into the details......

Stephens On The Greek Expletive Particles.

THIS little treatise appears calculated to be practically useful to the student of Greek. The author has selected for elucidation the particles which are in that language used......

Colonel Crockett's Exploits In Texas.

THE objects of this American squib are to ridicule General JACK- SON and his friends; to bold up their policy and party manteuvres to odium or contempt ; and to put in a good......

Western Virginia.

Two weeks ago, whilst we speculated on the effect of Mr. BIDDLE'S bonds in carrying surplus British capital to American lands, another speculator was applying himself to this......