27 MAY 1837, page 8


In our second edition last Saturday evening, we communicated from sources of our own, ample information—at that time wanted in Lon- don—on the proceedings of Glasgow for filling......

The General Assembly Of The Church Of Scotland Met On

the 18th; and the intolerant party elected their candidate, Dr. Gardiner, to the Moderator's chair, by the overwhelming majority of 262 to 59 over his competitor, the Liberal......


Meetings of the gentlemen interested in the charitable institutions of Dublin were held by adjournment in the Matisionbouse of that city on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, for......

The King Presented The Princess Victoria, On Her...

a magnificent grand pianoforte, made by the Member for Bridgewater, of the value of two - hundred guineas. By the death of Sir Alexander Hope, which took place on Friday last......

Accounts From Spain Mention That All Is Quiet Again In

Tarragona. The Queen Regent and the municipal authorities of Barcelona have publicly returned thanks to the Commanders of the British and French naval forces, by whose mere......


Sir 'Francis Head, Knight, is promoted to the rank of Baronet, as a reward for packing a Parliament in Upper Canada ; and the Morning Chronicle announees the circumstance with......

The Discussion Of The Irish Poor Bill In Committee Occupied

the Commons for the greater part of last night. Altogether, thirty five clauses were disposed of. The Liberal Members expressed much dis- satisfaction with the 24th clause,......


SATURDAY. A PRIVY Council is to be held at Windsor to-day, at two o'clock. Oa Thursday the King was worse, but be is said to have rallied yesterday.......

A Strong Feeling Has Ln'en Excited At Boulogne By The

resolution. of the French Government to deprive the British residents of the assis- tance of English medical gentlemen. The prohibition is to extend against any English......