28 DECEMBER 1945, page 14

Our Labour Government

SLR,—Up to yesterday (November r9th) I had taken a fairly tolerant view of our new Labour Government. I reasoned that the passage of time must bring changes, coal in the earth......


Sta,—Bathrooms were installed in middle-class houses earlier than Mr. Shelford thinks. There was a great deal of building going on in South Kensington in the 187o's, and the new......

Country Life

A courrrity gardener, who has a fondness for such censuses, cpunted . .just fi fty sorts of flowers in his garden and paddock in mid-December. Christmas is more often open than......

Traps And The W.a.e.c.s Reports From Many Parts Of England

suggest that the cruelties inflicted by the setting of steel-toothed traps in the open have greatly increased. bigger birds have lost parts of their limbs, smaller birds have......

B.b.c. Pronunciation

B.B.C. comes in for much criticism, and I regret adding to the chorus. I suggest, however, that it should issue, in a cheap edition, • new Dictionary of Pronunciation to cover......

Corn !

The salient headline in a large advertisement by a seed-Merchant is the single word Corn. Underneath are listed various types of barley and oats, but no wheat. Most urban......

British Zionists And Palestine

SIR, —Jewish immigration into Palestine is nut and never has been free and unrestricted. It has always been subject to what the Government consider to be the economic absorptive......

Picasso And Mr. Ayrton

Ayrton, for a long time, has made no effort to conceal his vehement contempt for Picasso, and his recent review of the Victoria and Albert Exhibition was in his best style,......

In My Garden The Gardener Tidying Up The Rough Borders

wondered whether to be ruthless with the chrysanthemums, still lending a certain gaiety to the bed; but tidiness, the standard gardener's most inveterate sin, won the day. A......

Change Of Address.

Subscribers are reminded that notification of change of address should reach the office of The Spectator seven clear days before the alteration is to take effect......