2 DECEMBER 1989, page 27

Double Barrel

THE Banque de l'Indochine et de Suez, now Indosuez for short, was the suitor in Morgan's disfavour. Chancing to bump into John Craven on his way back from a day's shooting, I......

Winning Over Morgan

ACROSS the road from the Bank of England sits the statue of George Peabody, honoured as philanthropist and merchant banker — a singular combination — and the founder of Morgan......

In The Spring, Tra-la

HERE's a useful runner in the Budget for Savings Stakes, to be staged, surely, by John Major in the spring. This one, trained at the London School of Economics by Professor......

City And Suburban

Dear John, the honeymoon's over and the pound falls out of bed CHRISTOPHER FILDES T he new Chancellor's honeymoon with sterling has been a short one, but I am surprised that it......

Eau, All Right Then

HERE we are at the moment of decision, and I still cannot get worked up about water. Maybe it is the promotion, maybe it is the product. Considered as a beverage (as Mr......