2 DECEMBER 1989, page 28

Hong Kong Business

Sir: Your correspondent Mihir Bose (`The illusion of influence', 25 November) is less than fair to the British companies active in Hong Kong. Whether he likes it or not, it is......

Seeing Is Believing

Sir: Your editorial on changes in abortion law omits the main reason for opposition to reducing the time from 28 weeks (28 October). Few people have had any rela- tionship with......


Sir: I hold no brief for the detention of suspects without trial for more than 24 hours. On the other hand when this coun- try is castigated on this issue by the European Court......

Legal Reform

Sir: I am a barrister and I am sick to death of reading slanted rubbish about my pro- fession of the kind produced by Marcel Berlins (`Counsels of despair', 25 Novem- ber).......

Letters Secret Ballot

Sir: Asian relations in ballot boxes (Let- ters, 11 November) are misinterpreting the liberties afforded by our gentle democracy. But whilst Mr Childs makes a sound case for......

Free Lunch

Sir: Unlike Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 11 November), I have been to luncheon with the Prime Minister in the Thatchers' flat upstairs at Number Ten. Incidentally, she cleared......