3 JUNE 2000, page 32

Fr O M Mr Detlev Schlichter Si R: While I Have Sympathy For

Mr Gim- son's frustration about finding a ff ordable housing in London, and while I happen to r e with him that some speculative fo und his seem to have emerged in the capital,......

Italy And The Bard

From Mr Christopher H. Dams Sir: Professor McWilliam asserts, as a refu- tation of the Oxfordian case (Letters, 20 May), that 'the playwright [Shakespeare] knew absolutely......

Letters Tale Of Two Landlords

From Mr Irwin M Stelzer Sir: That such as Andrew Gimson CA city of spivs and speculators', 27 May), with his peculiar bundle of prejudices and his ability to confuse......

Hot Air In Cyberspace

From Mr Alasdair Ogilvy Sir: It frightens me to contradict Christo- pher Fildes (City and suburban, 20 May), but even he walks close to the trap of con- fusing technology and......

Fly Us, Mr Hambro

From Mr Charaf-Eddine Lamriki Sir: Rupert Hambro (Diary, 20 May) wrote that there is 'only one flight a week from London to Marrakesh, and none at all by BA'. Leaving aside the......

From Lord Charles Spencer-churchill Sir: My Old Friend...

has many assets — mainly in his lower abdomen! He is one of the world's great networkers who happens to be part-owner of Wiltons, one of London's most expensive restaurants,......