3 NOVEMBER 1877, page 2

The Clergy Continuo To Show As Foolish A Pertinacity As

ever in relation to the Burials question, and unfortunately they carry with them a great number of those ecclesiastically-minded laymen whom the present very loose electoral......

Mr. Pope Hennessy Is In Hot-water Again. The Man Will

not let white men flog yellow men any more than black men in peace and comfort. He had been directed to inquire into prison dis- cipline in Hong Kong, where punishments for......

He Was, However, By No Means So Able In His

treatment of the subject of "The Living Voice of the Church." True, he came to a conclusion which we should regard as a very strong , 00nolusion for a Bishop to face, if he had......

Mr. Forbes, The Well-known Correspondent Of The Daily...

an article in the Nineteenth Century, states positively that "he has himself seen great clumps of mutilated Russian dead on battle-fields," and "has watched without the need of......

The Special Correspondent Of The Times At Rome Gives A

curious sketch of the Cardinals likely to be of consequence at the next Papal election. The most influential are said to be Di Pietro, a Roman noble of 72, noted for......

Mr. Stansfeld, In Presiding Yesterday Week At The...

a Radical Club and Association for Southwark, had the courage to say a good word for the direct representation of Labour in Parliament,—the suggestion on which Mr. Bright always......

The Bishop Of Gloucester And Bristol Has Delivered Two Or

three more addresses to his clergy this week, in one of which he has dealt very ably indeed with the historical side of the question of the Royal Supremacy ; while in another he......