3 NOVEMBER 1877, page 3

The Bishop Of Winchester Is Not Usually An Alarmist Or

a pessimist, but this funny little bit of prophecy, if rightly reported, would seem to suggest that he is the most gloomy of both. He 'did not think, he said, at Winchester, in......

The Plan For Which Father Curci Has, It Is Said,

been expelled the Order of Jesus was a broad one. He recommended the Pope, in a letter addressed personally to his Holiness, to reconcile him- self with Italy, on condition that......

An Interesting Case, Reported From Germany, In Which...

was, according to the statement, cured by the use of that terrible drug, curare, which paralyses the motor nerves, though without affecting the sensitive nerves, and so stops......

Is The Strange And, On The Face Of The Report,

most flagrant sen- tence passed on a child of eleven,—one, indeed, asserted by the mother of the child to be only ten, and so small that he was hardly seen above the dock,—by......

The Lord Chief Baron's Dissent From The Ridsdale Judgment...

been published,—with the additional statement, which he denies baying made, though not with absolute confidence, and which in any case he disapproves, that he pronounced it an "......

He Was, However, By No Means So Able In His

treatment of the subject of "The Living Voice of the Church." True, he came to a conclusion which we should regard as a very strong , 00nolusion for a Bishop to face, if he had......

A Turkish Newspaper, Called The Zemur And Bassiret, Hasd...

that Mr. Gladstone is the son of a Bulgarian pig-dealer named Trozadin, and that he himself was a pig-dealer in early life, and ran away to Servia at the age of sixteen, wh ence......

Punch, Which Does Not Exhibit Just At Present His Usual

amount of fun and point, has this week one of the most admirable cartoons which even Tenniel's genius has ever produced. It is the Marshal, with dull fury in his eyes, but with......

Consols Were On Friday 961- To 961.


The Home Secretary Has Advised The Queen To Give Alice

Rhodes a free pardon, and to commute the sentence of death on the other Penge prisoners to penal servitude for life,—treating it, that is, as a manslaughter marked by very cruel......