3 NOVEMBER 1877, page 1

Prince Bismarck Has Had Another Parliamentary Triumph. He...

to allow municipal reform to be extended to the great cities, where there are no country gentlemen to direct the electors, and compelled his colleagues in the Prussian......

According To The Latest Accounts, Ismail Pasha, The Kurd,...

joined Mukhtar Pasha, with 40 battalions of Kurds—that is, pro- bably 12,000 men—and the two are posted on a low range in front of Erzeroum. The Russians, however, have reached......

No News Of Importance Has Arrived From Caffraria, And We

think it may be believed that Kreli's movement will not be formidable. His men do not fight well, and are afraid of artillery. The worst of a war of this kind is the way it......

The Due Deeazes Has Resigned, Declining Absolutely To...

with further resistance to the will of the nation ; and it is believed that the entire Ministry will follow him, on November 6th,—that is, when the elections for the Consells-......

The Split In The Republican Party At Washington Has Not

yet been made up. Mr. Hayes has not appointed Mr. Simon Cameron to the London Mission, but has nominated Mr. John Welch, the Chairman of the Philadelphia Exhibition, and a......

The Second Ballots On Sunday In France Gave Eleven Seats

to the Conservatives and four to the Republicans, being nearly the number we expected when a fortnight ago we anticipated that ten seats on the second ballot would be gained by......

4 : The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


The Special Correspondent Of The Times At Rome Gives A

curious sketch of the Cardinals likely to be of consequence at the next Papal election. The most influential are said to be Di Pietro, a Roman noble of 72, noted for......

News Of The Week.

T HE drift of the news from the two seats of war is favourable, but there is not a great deal of it. In Europe, the Russians in seizing Dubnik and Teliche appear to have......