3 SEPTEMBER 1910, page 12

British Rule In India.

[To THE EDITOR or THE firscrwrove."] SIR,—I should be the last to deny to the man on the spot the authority that is his due, but such an authority should be well-informed. I......

Some Foreign Impressions.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] STE, - I have just returned from a motor-tour through Franco and Germany, and everywhere we found the harvest delayed by weather. In the last......

The Need For A Conservative Party.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent "X." last week says what a great many of us have long been thinking. In current politics we have got into a curious......

Letters To The Editor.

BATTLESHIPS AND BATTLE-CRUISERS. ao THE EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In your issue of last Saturday " Civis " in a letter does me the honour to quote from two of my recent......