3 SEPTEMBER 1910, page 18


A QUESTION. OUT of Wharfedale up the hill Where now the motor speeds, By Oreskeld Lane I walked at night, And on and on to Cookridge height. Until spread out before my sight......


THE CULT OF INCOMPETENCE.* THAT distinguished Frenchman, M. Faguet, gives us in this small book a scarifying analysis of the defects of democracy. It is written with his......

Irish Tourist Development.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE “sraeritoa.") Ent,—Mr. P. R. Cave is correct in every particular of his letter on this subject in the Spectator of August 27th. I travelled last week in......

Pit Ponies.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] would beg to be allowed to offer some general observations on the letters from Mr. 0. F. Grazebrook and "M.A. (Durham.) " on this subject in......

[to The Editor 07 The " Spectator:1

"Srs., — I am very glad that you are taking up the question of the treatment of pit horses. Ill-treatment is common, and it is easy to place too much reliance on the......

[to The Editor Or Tee "brsoraron."1

&n,—With reference to Mr. Cave's letter which appeared in your issue of the 27th ult., will you allow me to say that none of our services have had to cease running owing to the......

Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are . Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the Mews therein expressed or with the mode of......