3 SEPTEMBER 1910, page 13

British Rule In India.

[To THE EDITOR or THE firscrwrove."] SIR,—I should be the last to deny to the man on the spot the authority that is his due, but such an authority should be well-informed. I......

Ireland And Home-rule.

[To THY EDITOR OP THE " SPECTAT011.1 SIEC,--As an Englishman farming in the South of Ireland, I have beettmuch struck with the great slump in the wish for Home-rule among the......

Cromwell And Ireland, Past And Present.

[TO THY EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOILl is not necessary to appeal to Cromwell in order to find convincing arguments against granting Home-rule to Ireland. In these days people may......

Irish Administration.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SI11, — Your correspondent, Mr. P. Villiers Stuart (Spectator, August 27t13), is very unfortunate in citing Lord Dunra.ven as an authority on......

The Gladstone League.

[To THZ EDITOR Or THE "SrzorATos."] SIR,—My attention Las been drawn to a letter written by Mr. Gaymer (Spectator, August 13th) criticising the action of the Gladstone League in......