6 OCTOBER 1877, page 1

It Turned Out That Our Doubt As To The Alleged

delivery and re- pulse of a great Russian attack on Plevna on Tuesday week (25th September) was fully justified. No such attack was made, and therefore no such repulse was......

There Has Been A Great Agitation All The Week About

the Pengo case, partly due to a third statement of Clara Brown's, published in Monday's Daily Telegraph, which makes much stronger state- ments,—especially against Patrick......

Meanwhile, The Facts In France Are That The Elections Are

fixed for October 14, that the Cabinet remains outwardly united, that the Bishops are delivering charges imploring the faith- ful to vote for the Conservative factions, and that......

The French Mind Is Still Agitated With Rumours Of A

coming coup d'etat. The latest report is that Marshal MacMahon has re- solved not to endure defeat at the polls, that the Government has determined on using military force, and......

41 ,,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...


The Grand Duke Michael Having Received His...

Tuesday a grand effort to recover his position in Armenia. The army, commanded by General Loris Melikoff, attacked the Turkish forces before Kars, and after seizing the heights......

In A Diocesan Conference Opened. At Oxford On Thursday, A

warm debate arose on the subject of Confession, a "rider" being moved to a resolution in favour of the connexion between Church and State, which made that connexion conditional......

News Of The Week.

T HE Pashas at Constantinople are evidently not so contented with the progress of the war as their admirers in London. They -consider that Mehemet Ali should have attacked the......