6 OCTOBER 1877, page 15

Dr. Vaugha.n On The War.

[TO TIDI EDITOR OF Tlla "SPEOTATOR."] Srn, — In the columns of one of your contemporaries, I observe ei brief notice of a sermon lately preached on a Sunday to an enor- mous......

Oxford Fellowships.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " srsonzon."] Sin,—The Oxford University Commissioners have struck their first blow, a blow which more resembles a random essay of strength than a......

Tortured Whales.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTE.TOR,'] !SIR,—The death of the wretched mammal which was brought to the Aquarium at 1Vestininster has supplied a text for much gush- ing composition.......

The Russian Sick And Wounded.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTITOR,"] Ern,—It was with great satisfaction that I read the letter from the Rev. Stopford A. Brooke in the Spectator of September 15th, for until then......

Slate-writing Extraordinary.

[TO THE EDITOR 01 4 TRII "SPEOTATOR1 trust you may consider the following experiment worthy of record in your paper, because it differs from cases of abnormal slate-writing of......