6 OCTOBER 1877, page 16


CHURCH AND BRODR1BB'S "TACITUS." W1iEN Lamennais was engaged on his translation of Dante, a literary friend wrote to dissuade him from his arduous under- TI.e Complete Ilrurka......


GATHERED It OSES. ONLY a bee made prisoner, Caught in a gathered rose ! Was he not 'ware, a flower so fair For the first gatherer grows ? Only a heart made prisoner, Going out......

Slate-writing Extraordinary.

[TO THE EDITOR 01 4 TRII "SPEOTATOR1 trust you may consider the following experiment worthy of record in your paper, because it differs from cases of abnormal slate-writing of......


EDGES of stormy dawn and murky night, Trespassing harshly on his mellow hours, October plucks the present while it flowers, And revels as a splendid Sybarite. What tho' his......