8 JULY 1893, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE Royal Wedding went off admirably, to the disgust of the prophets of evil who went about repeating that the Princess was unlucky, and that the ceremonial would be inter-......

M. Dupuy On Thursday Took The Very Decided Step Of

closing the Labour Exchange by military force. This establishment was founded by M. Floquet, and was intended to be a labour centre, where those who wanted work, or wanted......

The Indian Silver Decree Has Caused A Commotion All Over

the world. The members of the Latin Union are to hold a conference ; and it is supposed the Union will be abolished,—a rumour, we think, premature. The American silver-kings are......

The German Emperor Opened The Reichstag On The 4th Inst.

in a very sensible and moderate speech. His Majesty regretted that the Military Bill had not been approved by the "popular representation," and that he had consequently been......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


The Week Has Been Marked By Serious Rioting In Paris,

a .thscreditable student-quarrel with the Prefect of Police, M. Loz6, having been taken up by the ruffianly classes, though not by the body of workmen. A student was killed on......