8 JULY 1893, page 16


A RHYME OF THE WESTERN SEA. COME, Love, into the radiant eve, That witching page of Renan leave, The western lights are o'er the land, The sun-lit waves chime by the strand, The......

Archdeacon Denison's Rule In Life.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATJR.1 am glad to find myself able to infer that we are at one upon a primary concern of the English life. For the rest, let me say that I have......

Private Endowments Of Churches.

ETO THE EDITOR OF THE 0 SPEOTATOIC."1 SIR,—Mr. Roche, in the Spectator of June 24th, writes :— "Why, men ask, should we permanently increase (lurch endowments merely to provide......

Jack-daws And Jack.pikes.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Silly — It seems to me that the instances given by your correspondent, in the Spectator of June 24th, of the use of " Jack " as the prenomen......

[to The Editor, Of The " Sfectator.1 Sir, — Your Reviewer Of

Mr. J. J. Murphy's "Theological Essays," in the Spectator of July 1st, would hardly, I think, have quoted the words, "Good were it for that man if he had never been born," as......

Mr. Murphy's Theology.

[To THZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — I have been very much gratified by the favourable and appreciative review, in the Spectator of July 1st, of my "Natural Selection and......


MR. DE VERB'S "RELIGIOUS PROBLEMS OF THE. NINETEENTH CENTURY."* CANON WENHAX has selected five essays of Mr. De Vero's, —of which three are to be found in his published essays,......