8 JULY 1893, page 3

On Tuesday The London County Council Again Considered The...

of the new County Hall. The Deputy-Chairman (Mr. W. H. Dickinson) moved to accept the Report of the Committee, which was in favour of buying the Westminster site for 2750,000.......

Mr, Gladstone Is The Most Sanguine Of Men. In A

letter to Mr. Cowan, which was read at the meeting of the Midlothian Liberal Association in Edinburgh on Wednesday, and printed in Thursday's Times, he not only confidently......

A Very Curious Correspondence Between Mr. Gladstone And...

of Devonshire appeared in the Times of this day week. The Duke had quoted Mr. Gladstone's celebrated warning to the Liberal Party in 1885, that unless he could be given a......

Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent. New Consols (2i) Were On

Friday 991.......

Sir Gerald Portal, At Uganda, Appears To Have Decided That

neither Catholics nor Protestants were to blame in the recent contest, and hoe divided powers and provinces between them. The Catholics receive back all their territories ; and......

The Curious Religious Riot Which Is Apt To Break Out

annually between Mussulmans and Hindoos, has this year been again perplexing the Government of India. We reported a fortnight since the outbreak in Rangoon, and this week......

The Scene In The House At This Point Was A

very passionate one, and for a moment it seemed as if matters would go even beyond " booing " and hissing. The motion that Clause 5, though only half discussed, stand part of......