[To sill EDITOR OM TitI"SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—You remark in a footnote to two letters (Spectator, March 20th), which, by the way, on the whole express also my views, that there would not be found many Austrians or Hungarians who do not want to reach the Aegean. May I ask you, Who are those who would wish for such an annexa- tion of land ? The Germans and Hungarians would decline It, as through such an acquisition of more Slays their own position only grows more difficult. Already at the occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina the German parties protested against this for the same reason, thereby gaining the disfavour of the Emperor. But, also, the Slays of the Dual Monarchy would protest that more of their race should come under German or Hungarian influence, as the newly added people, with probable other interests, would hinder the growth of the Slavonic power in Austria-Hungary.—I am, Sir, &c., Aw AUSTRIAN.