10 APRIL 1909, page 14

The State And The Family. 'to Till Editor Of Till

" Spiscrrros." SIR,—With reference to Mr. Bramwell Booth's letter and your note in last week's issue, I would remark that there is ample authority under the existing law for......

National Forestry.

[To THE EIATOtt Or TIM “SPX0rAT01 1 03 SIR,—S0 far as I see, your main objection to this is the economic one. Allow me to show you that it is the strongest point in favour of......

The Political Balance-sheet Of Austria.. Hungary.

[To sill EDITOR OM TitI "SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—You remark in a footnote to two letters (Spectator, March 20th), which, by the way, on the whole express also my views, that there......

The Census Op India.

[To TIM EDITOR Or TIER "seserwroivl Sin,--, - Anthropou3etry has revolutionised our ideas of Inalan ethnology, said a lecturer in my presence the other day, Tire conclusions......

Grants To Poor Livings.

[TO Till EDITOR OF TUN " 1011014TOR.] Sin,—" Where there's a will there's a way." If the clergy of small country parishes regard themselves as wasted therein, and consider a......