10 APRIL 1909, page 1

E E* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


It Was Announced In London On Thursday That Austria-...

had determined upon the construction of three additional Dreadnou g hts.' But accordin g to a tele g ram f . rom the Times correspondent at Vienna in Thursday's paper, the Zeit......

The News From Turkey Is Both G Ood And Bad. There

seems to be no doubt that there is a g ood deal of local anarchy in the outlyin g parts of the Empire. For example, we read of the steamers on the Ti g ris bein g under fire for......

News Of The Week.

T HE forei g n news of the week has not been of any very g reat importance. Speakin g g enerally, we may say that EUrope is still en g a g ed in discussin g the manner in which......

What Does This Mean In Practice P In View Of

the fact, now g enerally admitted, that the Dreadnou g ht' type has a g reat battle advanta g e over the pre-' Dreadnou g ht' types, it means that we shall be obli g ed to keep......

It May Perhaps Be Ur G Ed A G Ainst Our View That We

are assumin g that nothin g but ' Dreadnou g hts ' count. In the abstract we are far from sayin g that such a proposition has been made out, and we note elsewhere Sir William......