Crocliford's Clerical Directory. (horace Cox. 20s.)—it Is...
Crockford for its completeness and accuracy. Its character for these qualities is perfectly well established. We have had the pleasure of noticing it for many years—it is now in......
The Perfect Tribute. By Mary R. S. Andrews. (bickers And
Son. 2s. 6d. net.)—A very pathetic story of Lincoln is hero told. (We take it as true.) He had made his speech at the con- secration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, and......
Joseph Toynbee P.r.& By Gertrude Toynbee. (henry J....
net.)—This is an interestiag little account by Mr. Toyn.bee'a daughter of her father's habits, tastes, and character- istic way of thinking, as well as of the active work which......
In The Catalogue Of Hebrew And Samaritan Manuscripts, By...
Margoliouth, M.A. (British Museum, 24s.), we have Part III., Section I, "The Kabbilah." The items are numbered from 733 to 804, each being described in detail.......
The Book. Of Witches. By Oliver Madox Hueffer. (eveleigh...
3.0s. Od. not.)—Mr. Hueffer has read much about witches and witchcraft, and has collected in this volume a groat mass of curlew information. How far it is exact we cannot......
Index To Book Prices Current, 1897-1000. By William...
Stock. £2 2s. net.)—This index takes in not less than a hundred theusand volumes, containing, one inight say, all the Important literature of the world. It would be diffieult to......