[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SFF.CTAT0101 SIR,—Surely the so-called Philippic which Juvenal describes as divine (see Spectator, April 3rd, p. 533) was the second oration of Cicero against Mark Antony, not the second
Philippic of Demosthenes. Here are Juvenal's words (Sat. X., line 122) :— " 0 fortunatam nats,m me consule Remain!'
Antoni gladies potint contemnere, in sic
Omnia dixisset. Ridenda poemata malo Quam te conspicuae divina Philippica fitn2ae Volveris a prima quao proximo."
I quite agree with your correspondent that the second (real) Philippic of Deinostbenes was divina and cons picuae famac ; but it was Cicero'e oration to which Juvenal gave this praise. With the substance of your correspondent's letter I heartily agree.—I am, Sir, &c.,