News of the Week
August 4th ANOTHER fourth of August has passed. It was marked in France by a ceremony that recalled the date when we became her comrades in arms, and it was wholly in harmony with the spirit of peace to-day. A Memorial Chapel has been built in the French National Cemetery of Notre Dame de Lorette, looking across to Vimy Ridge. To this Chapel the Imperial War Graves Com- mission, recipients on behalf of the British Empire of generous treatment from France, has presented six stained glass windows in memory of the British troops who died in that area where British and French both suffered so heavily at different times. It must not be forgotten that France has given us the land for our cemeteries and memorials for ever, and these windows are a token of gratitude. Besides heraldic glazing, repre- senting this country and the Dominions, St. George and Ste. Jeanne are central figures, and below Ste. Jeanne is the legend, "Credo in Sanctorum Communionem." The Secretary of State for War formally presented the gift to the Bishop of Arras, and Lord Horne spoke of the binding memories of the War. At home there was little to mark the anniversary, but we would remind our readers that Lord Jellicoe urgently needs more support for the charitable work of the British Legion, and Sir Frederick Milner is pleading with undiminished earnestness for the Ex-Services Welfare Society, which he directs in aid of mentally disabled men. To help this is one way to celebrate the anniversary well.