Siamese-twin Apples.
It is seriously suggested by Mr. W. Davidson in an admir- able little book on fruit culture, just published, that most of us in the future will not plant a Cox or a Bramley's......
Sparrows' Holidays.
On the subject of town sparrows, a special inquiry ought to be made into their summer holidays. They are said to have been moving this year, as every year, out of the towns into......
Harvest And Machines.
The harvest now falling is not likely to be notable for its yield ; but it will give evidence of the rapid increase of machinery on the farm. In the hayfields some of us saw for......
A Solttfi African Claim.
A South African " farmeress " sends me some interesting details on the value of hens and their average yield. She writes, "I have increased my flock of utility White Leghorns to......
Plant Complexion.
What may be called the science of complexion, of which the botanists and biologists of Rothamsted are making a special study, is developing very rapidly. A pretty illustration......
It Is At This Juncture That Sir Rowland Biffen, The
greatest expert in the world on the wheat grain, repeats and emphasizes his conviction that the future lies with the wheat-farmer. He has always argued that the climate of......
Country Life
CAN WHEAT FARMING PAY? Will the doctors in question explain how they come to disagree diametrically on a vital subject of English farming ? Now the Oxford Research Institute in......
Young Builders.
The compiler of the annual and always interesting record of birds in the London parks has made a great success of his story of the moorhen who after several failures......