On the subject of town sparrows, a special inquiry ought to be made into their summer holidays. They are said to have been moving this year, as every year, out of the towns into the harvest fields ; and in abnormal numbers. My own experience is that they attacked the wheatfields not only in multitude, but at a much earlier date than usual. I found them perched on the ears and eating heartily a good month before the crop was approximately ripe. In fields surrounded by a convenient hedgerow a ribbon of corn near the edge has lost about half its grain to the sparrows ; and some farmers near by Midland towns roundly assert that these robbers are visitors from the towns to which they will return when the harvest is over. I have also heard a similar complaint of the carrion crow. He is certainly encouraged by suburban (though not by urban surroundings) and is alleged to make raids from this base on chicken farmers further afield. It is a little surprising to hear the prophecy from the official observer of London birds that the jackdaws as well as the rooks are unlikely to nest again in Hyde Park ; for the jackdaw is certainly multiplying in general and one would think was peculiarly well suited to urban (as well as ecclesiastical) conditions.