So Much Depends On The Reason A Man Has For
visiting Corsica, If he seek scenery he will always get that in splendid variety ; if bandits, he will never meet them if trout fishing (for some rivers hold a good head of......
The Personality Of Little Alice, An American Child Of Ten,
whose mother was shooting big game in the Dutch East Indies, forms an intriguing aside to Mrs. Bradley's clever, slight, and very readable Trailing the Tiger (Appleton, 12s.......
More Books Of The Week
(Continued from page 192.) It is a pleasure to record the appearance of a second volume of the late Colonel Ramsay Weston Phipps' remarkable work on The Armies of the First......
* * * *
Hazebrouck, Ypres, Armentieres, Courtrai, Bethune, St. Pol, Mons—what names of pride and sorrow are recalled by turning the pages of The Silent Cities ! This illustrated guide......
- " It Is A Golden Rule Of Life, Sambhu,
not to depend on another for your daily needs "—in such simple words Mr. K. S. Venkataramani tells an Indian boy of twelve how he should worship the dawn, the river ; how he......
The Glittering Dialogue Of Alfred De Musset Has Suffered A
sea-change in crossing the channel, piloted by Mr. Maurice Baring. Brilliance is not always achieved by an abrupt staccato, and dogged determination is often just dog. As thus :......