Dom Ethelbert Home Has Written A Charming Monograph On...
Dials (Simpkin, Marshall, 2s. ad.), with sixteen illustrations showing how these indicators of the hours of service in our country churches were fashioned, chiefly by the local......
Those Who Regret The Passing Of Local Patriotism, And They
are many, will welcome the first three volumes of The County Anthologies, issued by Messrs. Elkin Mathews and Marrot (at as., 3s. 6d., or 2s. 6d.). They are designed to" survey......
Some Books Of The Week
Tin: Great Fire of London was not an unmixed evil, for it Swept away most of the parish churches which, if we may judge from surviving remains, were not of great architectural......
(" General Knowkdge Competition" And "more Books Of The...
will be found on pages 200 and 202.)......
Years And Diligence Have Made Mr. A. T. Bryant Our
most erudite interpreter of the Zulu, and in his book, Olden Times in Zululand and Natal (Longmans, 12s. ad.), he presents us with an historical account of the " Zulu ''......
We All Take A Pride In The Administration Of Our
colonies and dependencies and pay little attention to what other nations do in this field. For that reason the painstaking History of French Colonial Policy by Professor Stephen......
As Pants The Hart For Water-brooks, .so Pants The Soul
of the town-stayed mortal for the trout-stream (though not perhaps so much in July and August). If he can't get there ever again; or only seldom, here is Mr. Arthur Ransome's......
As Shrewd, Liberal And Enlightened A Prince As Arabia Ever
produced" is Burton's judgment of Said bin Sultan, the Ruler of Oman who became the first Sultan of Zanzibar in 1830 or thereabouts. His grandson on the spindle side, Mr.......
The Competition Since The Planning Of Holidays Does Not Seem
to be as inspiring as we hoped, we suggest for our next competition a description or an impression of some exciting or entertaining incident which has actually been experienced......