[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—On July 28th I did not read the Archbishops' letter to their Brethren of the Church of England at either service. In my opinion the paragraph on the rejected Prayer Book quite spoilt it, owing to the peacemaking tone adopted by the writers, while at the same time their attitude is causing bitter strife. Advocating peace under such conditions simply means that they want to get their own way.
Neither do I intend to furnish information, if requested, as to details of the extent to which I infringe the letter of the Prayer Book of 1662. Such information would be put, as is commonly the case, to an entirely unfair and misleading use, owing to the invariable lack of discrimination between infringements made solely out of consideration for the con- venience and improved musical tastes of modern worshippers, and those which avowedly have a doctrinal significance, obnox- ious to consistent Evangelicals.—I am, Sir, &e.,