[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,— A considered and solemn pledge was made to the country in the House of Commons by Mr. Churchill on March 21st, .1922, to abolish finally, "within one year," the cruel system of child slavery known as the Mui Tsai system in the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. Under this system small children and young girls are sold into bondage as domestic drudges, into brothels, resold, bartered, and cases of the most revolting cruelty are common.
Mr. Churchill's pledge was followed by explicit orders to the Colony from his successor in office, the Duke of Devon- shire, who cabled to the Governor in February, 1923, "No Compromise." In spite of this the Ordinance of 1923 has been a dead letter and registration, as set forth in Part III., has never been enforced. The number of slaves has increased and their price has risen. Certain replies in the last House of Commons have shown that these are facts which cannot Lieut.-Commander R.N. (retired). 5 Sydney Buildings, Bath.