Few trusts of recent origin have started better or have within a short time achieved more solid results than the Continental and Industrial Trust which was formed in 1924 under the auspices of the well-known firm of J. Henry Schroder and Co. Even as early as 1925-26 a dividend of 5 per cent. was paid, that being followed by 8 and then by 10 per cent., while for the latest year, concluded last May, the dividend has been raised to 12 per cent. Pan i passu with the increase in dividend, the strength of the balance sheet has also been increased, the company now having a capital reserve of £680,668, compared with an Ordinary capital of £1,000,000, and there is a share premium account of 2200,000. Moreover, in the latest balance sheet no credit is taken for interest accrued, but not due, and investments at the date of the balance sheet, this representing in effect a further reserve of nearly 142,000.