EXTORTION AND PERJURT.—A case of infamous extortion was tried at
the Old Bailey on Thursday. The ruffian who practised it—one William Hague—had, by threats of publicly charging Mr. George Drury, a gentleman residing at Skelton, Yorkshire, with a revolting crime, ob- tained—from the fears and modesty of his victim, at various periods, coniiderable sums of money. At length, relying on these, he swore to a debt of 500/. as due to him from Mr. Drury; which the latter resisted ; and the arrest and trial of Hague was the consequence. He was found guilty, and sentenced to stand in the pillory for ass hour, to be kept at hard labour for six months, and to be banished afterwards for seven years.
OLD BAILEY SExrwasces.—The sentences on the prisoners tried during the late sessions were pronounced yesterday. There were 18 cases of death-1 for cutting and maiming, 1 for horse-stealing; 1 for sheep-stealing, I for uttering counterfeit coin, 5 for stealing in a dwell- ing-house, 7 for housebreaking, and 2 for robbery from the person; 17 were sentenced. to transpo eation ISir life, 15 for Lurteen, and 79 for seven years. The next sessions commence on the 5th of January.
SHOOTING or A SMUGGLER.—Thomas Murray, a seaman of the East Kent Blockade Service, was tried at Maidstone on Thurs-
day, for the murder of a man named Cullen, in September last.
The death of Cullen took place in a contest between the Blockade men and the smugglers, near Herne. Cullen, it was alleged, was running off.
with some tubs, when he was shot in the back by Murray. The prin- cipal question was, whether the pistol was fired purposely, or went off by accident : the learned Judge (Alderson) stated, that smuggling being a misdemeanour only, Murray was not justified in shooting the man to prevent his escape. The Jury found a verdict of Manslaughter.
Aesost.—At the Maidstone Assizes, on Tuesday, Richard Dixon, a labourer, was found guilty of setting fire to a barn, at Eastry, belong- ing to Henry Pilkington. The principal evidence against him was that of a neighbour labourer, with whom he worked, and to whom he had made use of expressions which were held tantamount to a confession of his guilt.
COBWEB MESHES OF rue Law.—The two persons named Gully and Settree, who were charged in August last with defrauding a young man named Mahon of 61, under the pretence of engaging him as clerk to st, coal-wharf of which they- were the leaseholders, were tried on Tuesday, at the Surry Sessions, for the alleged fraud, and were acquitted. The Chairman was of opinion that the averments in the indictment were not sufficiently distinct, and that the false pretence was not proved. WORKHOUSE TENDERNESS.—A poor young woman was taken with the • pains of childbirth in the workhouse of the parish of Perran, a few' days ago ; she entreated the nurse to fetch assistance, but the nurse re- fused to leave her warm bed for so unnecessary a purpose. The girl seas found next morning on the floor of her apartment, in a most hor- rible state, and shortly after she expired. The Magistrates investigated the matter on Monday last ; when the nurse was reprimanded