There Is A Split Between The Leading Men Of The
popular party in Ireland. Dr. DOYLE a few days ago addressed a long, and in some points a conciliatory letter, to the "White feet" and "Black feet" of Carlow, calling on them to......
News Of The Week.
" My Lords and Gentlemen—I have called you together that you may resume, without further delay, the important duties to which the cir- cumstances of the times require your......
Dtbatta Anti Vratteltingsi In Vartianunt.
1. THE KING'S SPEECH. His Majesty took his seat on the Throne at. half-past two o'clock on Tuesday; and the Commons having been sum- moned, presented themselves, with the......
The Duke Of Orleans And Marshal Soult Have At Length
made their entree into Lyons ; it took place on Sunday. They were accompanied and supported by about 30,000 troops. An order of the day, dated Belmont, December 2nd, had......