10 DECEMBER 1831, page 13
The Army.
WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 6.-The half-pay of the undermentioned Officers has been cancelled from the 6th of Dee. 1831, inclusive :-Ensign F. Barlow, half-pay 30th Foot ; Lieut. C. L.......
From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, Dec. G.
BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. BILLOWS, GEORGE BARER, Poole, ironmonger. BANKRUPTS. ASKEW, ROBERT, and DEWFIURST, JOHN, Manchester, commission-agents, to surrender Dec. 13, 14, Jan. 17......
East India Shipping.
On the 8th May last, in latitude 7 north. and longitude 83 east, Captain Lambert, of the Margaret, from Pondicherry to Petiang„ fell in with time wreck of a vessel ap- parently......