Ma. Neele.—the Application Of Lady Caroline Neeld Against...
for a divorce, a MenSa et thoro, has been dismissed by the Con sistory Court. Dr. Lushington held, that nothing but actual violence, or the apprehension of violence, would......
Portsoren Wann.—the Election For An Alderman For This...
menced on Monday, and finished on Tuesday at two o'clock ; when the numbers stood—for Michael Scales 169, for W. Hughes Hughes 74. At the close of the poll, a protest against......
Aufs Crib Ne A T14 Fatal.
Tim KING AND Els COU1LT.—Their Majesties left Brighton at nine on Monday, and arrived in town at two o'clock. At three, there was a Court, at which his Majesty gave audiences to......
Bristol Special Coidiission.--•-a Supplement To The...
announced the appointment of a special commission of Oyer et Terminer and gaol delivery, for the purpose of hearing and determining the accused in the late riots. The following......