MURDER NEAR Eorseunon.—On Friday last week, an old and feeble
woman, named Geddes, residing in a lone cottage, near Cramonti, about five miles from Edinburgh, was found lying dead on her own floor, with her akull fractured by several severe blows as with an axe. The mur- derer was seized next day. He turns out to he a wandering beggar, be- longing to Edinburgh ; and is suspected to be insane. He carried a farming hoe over Isis shoulder when seized,—in all probability the wea- pon by which the old woman had been killed. SUPPOSED Alunnen..—lienry Walls, a waggoner, in the employ of Mr Kent of Reading, was found on Sunday morning, lying dead on Houns. low Heath. His head had been thrown under the wheel of the waggon, to give to his death the appearance of accident ; but, from all the other particulars, it was evideet that he had been killed by unfair means. The father of Walls was in the waggon asleep, unconscious of his son's fate.; and the waggon had gone on for about a couple of miles from the spot before it was stopped.
ANOTHER: The mutilated body of a female — the head and arms were wanting—was found beyond Hove, near Brighton, on Tuesday. Some days before, a girl,' the sister of a Mr. Hobbs, tinman, had disappeared ; the body found , is supposed to be that of the missing female ; and, from the examination of the medical men, there appears reason for attributing her death to violent means. THIEVES OF Teems—Two large ancient cups, several precious stones, and a great number of very choice medals, were stolen from the Cabinet of Medals of the Royal Library of Paris on the 26th of last month.
EXTENSIVE Rosseerce.—The warehouse of Messrs. Vidal and Verdure • was broken into on Sunday morning, through an empty house next door to it, and goods to the value of 2,000/. stolen.