10 DECEMBER 1831, Page 11

Jument, Areerxrnnters.—The Gazette of Tuesday annonnrcs the following appointments in

the new Bankruptcy Court—the Honourable Thomas Erskine, to he Chief Judge ; Mr. Sergeant Pell ; 3.7r. Sergeant Cross ; George Rose, Esq. to be the other Judges; and 'Messes. C. F. Williams. J. H. Merivale, .T. Evans, J. 5. M. Fon.!?!aL,ine, .71. G. C. Fane, am/ E. IloIroyd, Esqes. to be Commissioners. Mr. Wedgwood, a member of the distinguished Starrorilsl:ini family of the same name, has been appointed a Police Magistrate. HoNOuns.—The King Las eppeinted Sir Robert fM1, Lir:wen:int ef the Guard of Yeomen of the Guard, with the rank a ;,:ctit...it-col,,ne: :a the Army while he holds office. Dr. the bibliographist, succeeds Dr. S. Madan as Chaplain in Ordinary to the King. Ralph Bigland, Esq. Garter King of has been knighted. The same honour has been conferred on the Judges of the New Bankrupt Court. DLiIiE ote WELLINGTON—The Duke of Wellington, we regret to state, has been confined to his room ever since his return to town with a severe cold, caught by his Grace whilst at Weimer Castle. The illus- trious Duke was of course unable to attend the House of Lords on the first day of the session. Sir Henry Halford and another physician are in frequent attendance upon his Grace; and we hope and trust that in a

day or two we shall be able to make a favourable report of his state.— Standard.

Thum -OFNEWCASTLE.—The finite of Newcastle is confined at Clumber by a serious illness. His Grace's complaint is incorrectly stated to be spinal. We believe it is inflammatory, and that fatal consequences are - apprehended. The professional aid of Mr. Hey, of Leeds, has been called in ; and that gentleman, we hear, set out for Clumber on Monday night.—Leeds Intelligences% RzaRED CHANCELLORS.—The death of Sir Anthony Hart diminishes the roll of es-Chancellors by one. There still remain Lords Eldon and Manners.

IRIsII LORDS LIEUTENANT.—The appointments are now completed by the elevation of Sir P. Bellew to Louth, and Colonel Knox Gore to VAST IMPROVEMENTS, SIR.—The Commissioners of Woods and Fo- rests have given orders for taking down the old brick wall which sur- rounds Buckingham Gardens, and building in its place a new one faced with stone and surmounted. by an iron railing, similar to that opposite St. George's Hospital. NEW BIBLE SOCIETY.—A Bible Society, on the principle of admitting no member who is not a believer in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity as set forth in the Athanasian Creed and Articles of the Church, was formed on Wednesday. The meeting for that purpose took place in Exeter Hall. The principal spokesmen were Captain Gordon, M.P.

Mr. Pringle, M.P., Mr. Sinclair, M.P., a Mr. Phillips and a Mr. Mel- ville clergymen, Major Close, and Lieutenant Rhind. Mr. Percival, M.P. was! hi the chair. The meeting was but a thin one, and was mostly composed of females. EAST INDIA DEPARTURES.—On Wednesday, a Court of Directors was held at the East India House; when the following captains were sworn

in to the command of their respective ships : Captain James Dalrymple, Orwell; and Captain Alexander Chrystie, Thomas Coutts, consigned to Bombay and China.

THE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S TEA SAT.E.—The total quantity of tea de- clared at the sale was 8,150,0001bs., exceeding the last declaration by

150,0001bs. The demand up to Wednesday was very brisk, and prices

greatly improved. Boheas went off freely at from Is. 101d. to Is. Md. per lb. The average improvement was about 2.1. per pound. The rea- son for the rise was a presumption that the agents of the Company at

Macao, agreeably to their declaration, would not consent to a renewal of the intercourse with the Chinese until the last obnoxious decrees were rescinded. On Thursday, it was announced that the intercourse was to be resumed immediately as if no such decrees as those complained of had ever been issued. This intelligence has shaken the market effectually, and it bids fair to be much lower this sale than they were the last. In common decency the previous purchases ought to be annulled.

BEAUTIES OF THE Inuit Cnencn.—The Reverend Edward M. Denny, for thirteen years rector of Tralee, has resigned the charge of that parish in favour of the Reverend Anthony Denny, brother of Sir Edward Denny, Bart., for whom the living was kehl in trust. The Reverend Anthony Denny was only admitted to Priest's orders, at Elphin Cathedral, on Sun- day week, by the Lord Bishop of that diccese—Duban Parr. Mn. ROBERT ADAM DuNDAS.—The Scotsman says, that the member for Edinburgh was carried to the meeting of Monday sennight on a porter's back, concealed in the case of a bass-fiddle. Mr. Robert Adam's case may now be justly called a base as well as a bad one. ITALIAN OPERA.—Our musical readers will be happy to learn that Signora Battista, the first contralto of the day, is engaged for the whole

of the ensuing season. According to report, she is any thing but a

Venus ; but before her singing "all distinctions fly." She is a perfect /uses in her way—" hideous as night," but melodious as a nightingale.

Her power is Circean, and lies in the enchantment of her voice which,

we understand, is quite sufficient to ensnare the wariest terary Guardian. Ma.roas AND MINORS.—Mr. Chapman the actor has been found liable in seven penalties of M. each for acting plays at the Tottenham Theatre,

without a licence from the each, Chamberlain.

VALVE OF A NEW SONG.—Everybody knows the value of an old song : the value of a new one was determined in the Court of Hing's Bench on Tuesday, in a case in which Mr. Severn the compo:aer was plaintiii; to be 6/. ills. Md. They gave him GU 10s. for nine songs ctenposed for the Musical Boudoir. Mr. Betts was defendant.

PAOANINI AT Bnionyea.— Paganini performed at the Brighton theatre on Wednesday night, to a crowded house, though the price of the pi t and boxes was 103.6d., and that of the gallery 4s. The terms of the mu- sician were 20/. for one night, to be paid before the curtain drew up ! DissEcTiox.—Colonel Jones, [Radical] has addressed a letter to the Times on this subject, in which he advocates the propriety of the middle and higher ranks leaving their bodies for the benefit of science as an ex- ample to the lower ranks to do the same. The Colonel states that he has bequeathed his own body to the Anatomical Theatre of the London
